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I’m a curator, program manager, and creative currently based in San Francisco. I graduated from the University of Florida in April 2017 with a BSBA in Marketing, minors in Entrepreneurship and Mass Communication, and a Master’s in International Business.

My priorities center around the idea of listening to myself, discovering my passions and identities, and creating an existence that honors that. Whether it's the professional career I strive towards, the causes I devote my energy to, the people I surround myself with, or even the activities I do in my spare time, it is imperative that they align with the values that I've identified as essential to who I am as a person. 

Finding harmony between work and passion is of utmost importance to me, and I’m grateful to be doing what I love every day.

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.
Working hard for something we love is called passion.”
— Simon Sinek